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My name is Kathleen Ekins and I am a graphic design student. I was always a creative and artistic kid and I'm glad to have found my way to design as I got older. I am fascinated by all kinds of visual communication, be it graphic design, fine art, interior design, illustration, animation, photography...the list goes on. I am dreaming of a world where the type is always well kerned and the design is always impeccable. A world where creativity is celebrated and elevated. A girl can dream right?

About this blog

This blog is all about design and discussing what makes good design. I will be sharing design resources and inspiration as I learn myself. Expect to see examples of excellent design, interviews, design tips, and curated lists of design resources. Along the way I'll be sharing my own work and glimpses into my own design process.

Think of this blog as an ongoing discussion of what design means to me. I expect my views will change and develop as I learn more about design myself. You the reader as always welcome to join in the discussion, whether you're a designer yourself or just interested in it as well.